
Community Groups

At First Baptist, we believe strongly in the concept of Community Groups as part of how we “do church” together. Community Groups are 10 or so folks who meet in homes a couple times each month.

The Four Practices of FBC Community Groups
SHARE truth and life.
PRAY for one another and our city, and for the lost.
LOVE one another outside the church walls, and on a regular basis.
ENGAGE our city in love, and with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Four Principles of FBC Community Groups
We are all broken more than we want to admit.
We all need Jesus and the gospel, and we need to preach it to each other.
We all need one another and we need to share our struggles and joys.
The world needs the gospel and we are commissioned to take it to them.

If you’d like to know more about how to join a Community Group, just ask around!


FBC Women’s Ministry

Why women’s ministry?

This is a good question to ask. Is there a need for a specific ministry for women when FBC already has Sunday morning services, Sunday School and Community Groups? Our answer is because the Bible calls women to minister to other women (Titus 2: 3-6, 11-14). There are ways women can teach, encourage and exhort each other that can only happen between and among women. By God’s grace, women’s ministry does happen informally. But even so, we hope an organized ministry can provide more opportunities to “teach what is good” (Titus 2:3).

We seek to be women grounded in God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and firmly connected to our local church. We seek to grow in godliness through the sanctifying work of the Spirit (1 Timothy 2:9-10). We seek to build each other up, through regular meetings and prayer, to know Christ more and to honor him in all that God has called each of us to be (James 5:16, Titus 3:4-8).

A crucial aspect of successful women’s ministry is to study and pass on the Scriptures to future generations. Without this, our ministry will be ineffective, if not destructive. Our hope, then, is that Scripture-filled women would be more equipped to bless the church and the outside community (Galatians 6:9-10). And with that, we hope that women outside the church could be welcomed in through this ministry (Matthew 28:18-20). Most of all, in all of this, our desire is for Jesus Christ to be glorified!

What does this look like, practically, at FBC? The main component to our women’s ministry is regular Bible studies in the fall and spring and book studies in the summer. In our Bible studies, we seek to make observations, interpretations and applications from the text, hoping that God would use our study to help us grow in the gospel of truth. In our book studies, we’ll typically go through a book specifically for women, seeking to grow with one another into what God has designed us to be. We hope you choose to join us!

For the current date and time information, check the FBC bulletin.

Other questions? Emma Perkins: 701-306-3970,